Glucagon Updates You NEED to Know, Including Mini-Dosing!

Dose of Drs E+P on Glucagon

For years and years (and years), the “red suitcase” was the main glucagon rescue kit most people with type 1 diabetes had stashed somewhere in case of emergency. Thankfully, we now have two newer glucagon options that are much easier to administer. Drs. E+P explain how to use each one, and they discuss the research and off-label mini-dose glucagon experiments people are conducting that may be a mirror into the future.

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This Diabetes Awareness Month, Don’t Forget about the Things You Do RIGHT!

A Dose of Dr. E and P

How often do you celebrate your wins with diabetes? Have you ever? Take a moment and pat yourself on the back for all the things you manage on a daily basis. Woke up with a decent blood sugar? Nailed a bolus? Took a walk around the block instead of watching Seinfeld? Drs. E+P remind us how important it is to celebrate our victories, big and small.

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Tzield Shows Promise in Treating Newly Diagnosed T1D

Tzield News

Recently released data from Tzield’s PROTECT study showed that Tzield significantly slowed the decline of C-peptide levels in children and adolescents with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. Further data showed that study participants on Tzield required numerically fewer insulin units and had numerically higher time in range compared to those on placebo.

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