Post-Meal High Blood Sugars: How to “Strike the Spike”!

Dose of Drs. E+P, how to strike the post meal spike

One of the most common challenges for people with diabetes is trying to prevent blood sugars from shooting up after meals. Drs. E and P have been managing spikes for over 75 years between the two of ’em, and they offer clear-cut suggestions on how to keep post-meal highs at bay.

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The Many Reasons for High and Low Blood Sugars (and why we need a LOT of compassion for ourselves!)

reasons for high and low blood sugars

Dehydration, stress, hormones, allergies, Mondays, TPS reports, being ghosted, being asleep, being awake, your mother-in-law…seriously, does anything NOT affect blood sugars? Dr. Jody Stanislaw encourages us to cut ourselves some slack as she shares all the things (in addition to food) that can affect our blood sugar.

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How to Eat 3 Donuts and Stay In Range

Steve and Jeremy can turn almost anything into friendly competition, and here they use two different methods to try to stay in range after crushing three donuts. But let’s be clear: this was not an excuse to chow down on maple gazed, but rather to point out that, when you’re equipped with the right tools and the right education, you can eat the foods you like in moderation. But donut try this at home…

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The Goofus and Gallant of Diabetes

Who do you relate to more when it comes to diabetes management? An angel who follows the recommended guidelines (Jeremy/Gallant), or a stubborn hellion easily influenced by temptation (Steve/Goofus)? Check out some of these scenarios from Dr. E. and see if you are who you think you are.

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